
Quelic Berga

Graduated in audiovisuals and multimedia at the ERAM – University of Girona (Spain), master in Graphical Interface Design at the University of Lincoln (UK) and doing research on cultural interfaces (, Barcelona), art and new media. Doing his PhD on Generative Audiovisual Editing.

He is an assistant professor at UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) where he teaches Video, Interactive Design, Interactive Media and Virtual Reality. He also teaches (or encourages) creative processes with new media at ERAM (Universitat de Girona).

He has given talks and workshops at several national and international institutions on art and technology.

He has been awarded with prizes on digital art, and some of his works have been shown in art centres and festivals in Spain, France, Serbia, Helsinki and Singapore. Amongst them, Arts Santa Monica (Barcelona), Sala de Arte Joven (Madrid), KC Grad (Belgrade, Serbia), KUVA Art University (Helsinky, Finland), VAD Festival (Girona, Spain), Ingràvid (Figueres, Spain), and the National Academy of Fine Arts, NAFA (Singapore).

He uses several techniques, from performance art to sculpture, coding and media art, to generate interactive artefacts which often establish a vivid dialogue with the viewer. Most of his works -however beautiful in its surface- are there to challenge preconceptions about technology and a reminder of how it needs to adjust its potential to human measure and nature. Twitter