
Kati Gausmann

Kati Gausmann's (b. 1968, lives and works in Berlin) works have movement, rhythm and activity as their form-creating principles. Her practice is often site specific. The works can relate directly 1:1 to natural environments or phenomena or made in other scales inside her studio, in exhibitions or in public space. Her work is always based on theoretical foundation and philosophical questions. For the last years Gausmann has focused on geological and terrestrial processes such as rotation of the Earth and continental drift. She is fascinated by the global and universal rhythms intrinsic to human experience as well as by the limits of human perception.

For Frontiers in Retreat, Kati developed a specific chapter of her long term project dancing dough and circumstances. She started the project at Skaftfell in Seydisfjördur, East Iceland, in September 2014 and May–June 2016, and continues at CAN, Centre d'Art i Natura in Farrera, Catalonia, in March-April 2017.

Gausmann has realised and exhibited works in Germany, Norway, Iceland, Poland and Korea. She was invited to Frontiers in Retreat by Tinna Gudmunsdottir, Director of Skaftfell Centre for Visual Art. dancing dough and circumstances